Truth, Professional, Well-Being
Truth, Professional, Well-Being
General education courses are not narrowly focused nor are they directed toward a specific occupation or profession. Undergraduate program of California Central University includes 45 semester hours, with at least 3 semester hours, in each of the humanities/fine arts, behavioral/social sciences, and natural science/math.
1. Humanities/Fine arts 15 units
GD100 Introduction to Linguistics (3)
GD101 English Ⅰ (3)
GD104 Humanities (3)
GD201 English II (3)
GD240 Introduction to Psychology (3)
2. Behavioral/Social sciences 15 units
GD110 Introduction to Philosophy (3)
GD121 American History (3)
GD220 Introduction to Education (3)
GD230 Introduction to Logics (3)
GD381 American Politics (3)
3. Natural science/Math 15 units
GD231 Mathematics (3)
GD232 General Physics (3)
GD233 General Chemistry (3)
GD260 Introduction to Computer Application (3)
GD361 Computer Science (3)
Total 45 units
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