In order to carry out the mission of the school, Makar James University embraces the following institutional objectives:
- Exhibit the academic excellence demanded of an institution of higher learning
- Train students based on a central theological orientation – the Word of God
- Nurture the interpersonal skills and relationships of our students necessary for success
- Develop the confidence and abilities of our students to effectively use their skills in evangelism, discipleship and social services
- Provide educational services that will equip students to assist the world wide church in its manifold ministries in local parishes, parachurch, societal agencies, and educational institutions.
- Measure student learning outcomes through a variety of means. The use of a standard academic grading standard is one. Another is the development of theses and various papers which demonstrate students’ understanding of the principles taught at the institution. Finally, the fact that students stay in the programs of study is a measurable outcome of their satisfaction with the program